Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Week Three in the Field!

Man, I can't believe I've already been gone for more than a month. That is some crazy stuff. So, I guess seventeen more to go. That sounds terrible. I don't want the next seventeen months to go by fast. I'm loving every day. Every day I get to study the word of God and try to share it with people. What could be better than that? Pretty much nothing. You may think there's something better, but there's really not.

This week we had exchanges which means that for twenty-four hours I had a different companion and I went to a different city and I had to live in a different place. It was interesting, but I was definitely happy when I got home and was with Sister Lewis again. Riverton is a great place, but it wasn't West Sandy so basically the whole time I was just like "What is this? I don't know where anything is here. I want to go home to Sandy." Yeah, probably not the best attitude, but whatevs. During the exchange we were in a car, because the other companionship has one. That was weird. I didn't like that too much. I definitely prefer walking, except you know, when it's raining... Actually, I think I prefer walking even when it's raining. I just didn't much care for being in the car all day. So with any luck I won't be in a car too often on my mission. It's possible that when it starts snowing regularly, I'll feel differently but we'll just have to see. I pretty much love the cold so far.  The only downfall to cold and rain is that there are snails on the sidewalk and we have to have constant vigilance so as not to step on and crush them. 

This week we got put in a different district. We cover four wards, and then some elders cover the other three wards in our stake. But before Saturday we were in different districts so we couldn't have any contact with them. This was somewhat inconvenient because they were covering our area before us so they knew who they had been teaching in the area, but we didn't have any clue when we took over part of their area. So, our stake president called the mission president and asked him to change the districts so that we'd be part of the same one to make communication easier. This should make things more convenient, but it also means we have to get used to new elders. It'll be great though. They all seem like pretty cool people so I'm sure we'll all get along fine.

Overall, this week was pretty awesome. I had to be a brave warrior against spiders which is never too fun, but hey overcoming fears is great. Especially when you have to catch said fear in a cup and release it back into the wild, hoping the entire time that it wouldn't escape and try to attack me.

I love you all. Have a spectacular week.

I'd love love love to hear from any and all of you. I will try my absolute hardest to write you back in a timely manner. (:

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